I am a work in progress, and God is making the progress! I love that thought. It’s the same as our salvation, we cannot save ourselves, it’s what Jesus has already done for us and our part is to receive it in faith. Simple? Well, yes, but not always easy. We make it hard on ourselves by thinking we have to be in control and be responsible for everything and everyone around us. The only thing we are responsible for is our own response. And what is that response? Knowing, trusting, having faith in the fact, the truth, that God is the One making the progress in me, not me! Thank you for your encouragement! Your article was a blessing for me today. May God continue to bless you and give you the wisdom and strength to take each step as He guides you in the way you should go❣️🍒
Love this. Thank you and I hope you all are feeling better.
We are! Thanks Kimberly! 🤍
Thank you! "What if" does offer hope in a hopeless-looking situation
Yeah, our tendency is to use “what if” in all the wrong ways. 😁🤍
I am a work in progress, and God is making the progress! I love that thought. It’s the same as our salvation, we cannot save ourselves, it’s what Jesus has already done for us and our part is to receive it in faith. Simple? Well, yes, but not always easy. We make it hard on ourselves by thinking we have to be in control and be responsible for everything and everyone around us. The only thing we are responsible for is our own response. And what is that response? Knowing, trusting, having faith in the fact, the truth, that God is the One making the progress in me, not me! Thank you for your encouragement! Your article was a blessing for me today. May God continue to bless you and give you the wisdom and strength to take each step as He guides you in the way you should go❣️🍒
Thank you so much, Cherre!