I’ve never watched for Secretarial appointments like I have with this electric. I am hopeful. And yet my hope is not in this world.

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"And in that sense, those of us who have been following Jesus have something to consider."

Say it louder for the ones in the back!

So much to love about this post and this administration. If I could have seen this, 36 years ago when I was trying to explain to someone what a probiotic was, and why they should give it to their kid after their umpteenth ear infection...well, I never thought we'd get here. And it cost a lot after I read yesterday that the NIH reported that most of UK will have lost their immune system in 6 months. But the big boys have come into play and we still have work to do because men have been killed for less.

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So true. The people perish for lack of knowledge…I’m so grateful that knowledge is becoming more mainstream.

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